



考慮到這一點,我們放在一起,在2013上載的25個最流行 ​​的照片的空間跨越所有類型和房間:廚房,茶水間,衛生間,臥室,外牆,廁等。其中一個抓住你的注意力最?




功法動作:直立,兩腳分開與肩寬,雙臂上舉伸直,在腦後交叉,此時小腹略向前傾,雙手盡量向上伸直后壓,所有力量、意念集中在腰椎。然後力量從腰椎發出, 令兩臂以最大弧度從腦後向身體兩側壓下來,同時下蹲,兩手最後在兩膝間交叉,結束時意念集中在前腳掌5秒鐘。腳後跟不可離地。再站起時,前腳掌先用力,做 為起動能量,緊接著將所有力量、意念,再次集中在腰椎,兩腿不要用一點力量,向起站立。兩手一直交叉,從胸前到頭頂在到腦後。


點按湧泉即點按足心。每晚臨睡前,用溫水將腳洗凈,盤膝坐于床上,一手握住腳趾,另一手點足心,每次點下去的時候要隱隱的疼。湧泉是足少陰腎經穴位,摩擦 此穴,可以補腎益精,通調氣血,腎氣充足,則體健壽延。最重要的能把平時節省下來的「錢」腎精存到銀行里。換句話說就是固腎。


道家養生是從養腎開始的。腎主水,其色黑,黑芝麻是黑色的,養腎的佳品莫過於黑芝麻。芝麻有黑的,有黃的,還有白的,但與腎的本色相應的黑芝麻,才有更好 的藥用價值和養生之功,黃芝麻和白芝麻都只能用來做一般的食品。黑芝麻為五穀之首,可以補五臟,長肌肉,填腦髓,在《神農本草經》中列為上品。
因為它是用來補虛羸,填腦髓的,所以,一定要用籽粒飽滿的芝麻,如果它本身都不飽滿,哪能指望它有填補之功呢?要把不飽滿的芝麻去掉,可用淘洗法:在用水 淘洗的時候,不能浮起來的芝麻,都是飽滿的,浮起來的芝麻都是變質、生蟲或籽粒不飽滿的,都不能要。選出了籽粒飽滿的純黑芝麻后,還要對它進行特製,服用 也很講究。


此法不僅強補腎精,通治一切耳病。心腎相交法的第一種叫做鳴天鼓。我們的後腦勺就叫做天鼓。鳴天鼓要用到我們的聽聞穴和勞宮穴。人體的勞宮穴是最操勞的一 個穴位,它是一個火穴,像我們肚子疼了,馬上就不自覺地用手去捂肚子,所以它是很操勞的。第二種叫做按摩聽聞穴。中指的指尖是心包經的井穴,屬於心,耳 朵、眼屬於腎。首先,掌心向後,然後用中指插進耳朵孔里去,塞進去以後,手指在裏面轉180度,讓掌心向前,然後讓手指輕輕地在裡邊蠕動。第三個心腎相交 的方法叫做手心搓腳心。千萬不要小瞧了這個方法,這裏面融匯了很深的中醫道理。最後一個心腎相交法是揉耳法,把耳朵給蓋上,然後用掌根揉耳朵背。但要注 意,不是揉耳背這個皮,而是隔著耳背揉耳朵眼。揉的時候腦子裡要這樣想,好像隔著耳背已經揉到耳朵眼裡面去了。


中醫養生認為,上廁所大小便的時候,一定要咬牙,咬牙能固攝住腎氣,尤其是在腎精上損害偏大的男人。這是為什麼呢?因為牙為腎之齒,是腎精華的外現。但不 能亂咬牙,死咬著不放更耗腎氣;而應該是「腎齒兩枚如咬」,「如」就是好像的意思,就是好像有兩個棗核在兩個后槽牙之間,微微地咬著。解手的時候處於一個 吸氣、氣往裡收的狀態,是不開泄的。咬牙,並且提起腳後跟,就等於補了腎氣。




齒是骨之餘,是骨頭的餘氣,而腎又主骨。當人到了一定歲數,腎氣就會逐漸衰弱,牙齒也會鬆動。對這種情況,我們可以反過來想,如果牙齒很堅固,那麼是不是 腎氣就會很足呢?如果暫時不方便調理腎,那麼我們可以先堅固牙齒。牙齒里的經絡和腎經是相通的,只要堅固牙齒,它就可以對腎起一個反固的作用,就可以讓腎 強壯。要知道,人不可能牙齒很強壯而腎很虛弱,這是絕不可能的,因為它們是同步的。所以,如果我們不便直接地去調養腎,那麼就健壯牙齒,這是最好的補腎養 生方法。
健壯牙齒的好方法就是多叩齒,早上300下,用上下兩排兩個牙齒撞擊就行了,就這麼簡單。注意:撞擊的地方主要是後面的槽牙,不要讓前面的牙先叩。當您連 敲幾天後,會覺得面色非常紅潤,原來蠟黃、比較發暗的臉色已經不見了。這就是氣血源源不斷地供到頭上去了,而且腸胃功能也會很明顯地得到改善,吃飯、睡覺 都會特別香。








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2 3 4 5 6




Living in a small home can make you creative in a hurry. If there's barely a closet -- let alone a spare room -- organizing your space in an efficient way that still makes you feel at home can be quite a challenge. For many apartment dwellers, there isn't the luxury of separate rooms and each piece of furniture needs to serve multiple uses.
We've already covered some of the best ways to create storage when you're living in a tiny space, and fortunately, there are more and more unique furniture pieces that make small-space living more of a joy than a pain. Things like lightweight objects that are easy to move, a tool that can make anything a table, furniture that has multiple functions, and storage that's a snap to assemble and disassemble make it fun to do more with less -- and will also appeal to the design-obsessed.
Below, see 24 ways to make small-space living way easier without sacrificing great design.
  • 1
    Try bookcases and storage that adjust to fit your stuff.
    Peter van Dijk via Reinier de Jong
    The REK bookcase from Reinier de Jong is perfect for the growing book collection and comes in both child and grown-up sizes.
  • 2
    Make a table out of anything.
    Floyd Leg
    When Kyle Hoff and Alex O'Dell put their project on Kickstarter, they received more than 10 times their goal. The Floyd Leg (really, a set of four legs available in two heights) uses a simple clamp that lets you turn any surface into a table or desk. And you can dismantle it just as easily if you need to free up space or are moving to a new, even smaller apartment.
  • 3
    Choose furnishings with two (or more) uses.
    These are actually the same piece of furniture. The BADA from EcoSystems easily transforms from a desk, to a table, to a couch that's the perfect size for a cramped living area. Watch the transformation here.
  • 4
    Will it save you a few inches of space? Get it.
    When you're not using the bright Lumio lamp, it can be folded into an elegant-looking book. The multi-function Lumio, designed by Max Gunawan, is portable and rechargeable, can be hung or used flat and can be used indoors and outdoors. Plus, it's mesmerizing.
  • 5
    A divider gives the appearance of separate zones without taking up space.
    Erik Five Gunnerud via Kristine Five Melvær
    Colorful Tint, designed by Kristine Five Melvær, is half art piece, half room divider. If you're putting a living area, kitchen and workspace into one cramped room, a lightweight divider at least gives the appearance of separation.
  • 6
    Create a peaceful nook, no matter how little space you have.
    Freyja Sewell
    One of the frequent problems of city living? Not only are you living in tight quarters, but you're squeezed in with roommates -- or your walls are so thin that it feels like you are. Hush, a felt pod designed by Freyja Sewell, is a solo, cozy retreat perfect for reading, working, sleeping or thinking, even in the midst of a hectic home life.
  • 7
    Store your odds and ends hidden in plain sight.
    Takumi Ota via Naoki Hirakoso
    The many compartments of the sleek Kai Table, designed by Naoki Hirakoso with Takamitsu Kitahara, would be perfect for tucking away small objects that can end up all over the house when you don't have lots of storage.
  • 8
    Actually, almost any piece of furniture should have additional storage.
    Alexander & Pearl
    Alexander & Pearl's Crypto line, which includes an end table, desk, sideboard and coffee table, has even more space to store living room clutter without sacrificing sleek design.
  • 9
    But that doesn't mean your storage needs to be boring.
    Anna Lotova
    Rather than bulky drawers, Anna Lotova's Oxymoron Desk uses a foam interior to store books and office supplies. The lamp and side extender are wedged into the foam and can be moved around as space allows.
  • 10
    If you store things in an interesting way, it won't matter that it's out in the open.
    Studio E.O
    If you don't have a closet, or it's tiny, you might end up stacking overflow clothes on shelves or in bins. (Or, like some of us, leaving them all over the floor.) Designed by Studio E.O, the SINE hanger system is a simple solution, and when clothes are hung neatly in its grooves from its matching hangers, they're almost decorative.
  • 11
    A small house doesn't mean you can't make room for fun.
    Fusion Tables
    Just because you barely have room for a couch doesn't mean you shouldn't have a game room -- Fusion Tables creates sleek dining room tables that transform into pool tables.
  • 12
    Don't have a medicine cabinet? Make your own.
    With just a hook, this mirror and small storage container become a vanity and medicine cabinet. Designed by Outofstock for Ligne Roset, the playful but functional pieces can be arranged in dozens of ways.
  • 13
    Choose multi-purpose pieces so you can rearrange your space in a snap.
    The 3:1 Table designed by TJOKEEFE is a set of nesting tables that can be used as a cube or three separate end tables, so when you get bored with your decor you can rearrange your space without buying new furniture.
  • 14
    Make use of vertical space.
    Danny Kuo
    Danny Kuo said it best when describing his Staircase piece: "The most efficient way to build is vertically. ... When it comes to interior design, the same rule can be applied." The lower drawers of this many-doored storage unit act as stairs so you can reach the top.
  • 15
    Don't forget about good design for your pets.
    Torafu Architects might beg that you don't sacrifice design when it comes to your dog. Like much of the other furniture on here, the wanmock (the name combines hammock with wan, Japanese for a dog bark, according to Torafu) is easy to put together and take apart. It's made of interlocking lightweight wood and your own clothing, which your dog will certainly love. (Buy a kit or download a free template to build your own here.)
  • 16
    Get the most out of your bookcases.
    Kristina Lindqvist
    Kristina Lindqvist's Cubious bookcase tricks the eye with its fun geometric design and can also be used as a room divider -- each side has shelves. These aren't yet for sale, but Lindqvist is looking for a manufacturer.
  • 17
    When you're not using it, hide it.
    Resource Furniture
    Resource Furniture's Lollisoft IN is just one of their many beds that fold up into unassuming wall units -- perfect for studios or when your rooms need to have multiple functions.
  • 18
    Use plants to create a relaxing vibe in a small home, but don't waste your table space on them.
    Plants are great to decorate with. Not only do they look nice, they can also helppurify the air and create a relaxing ambiance. But they don't need to clutter all your horizontal surfaces. Anya Sebton's Add System, designed for Lammhults, is a lightweight storage option that includes room for houseplants -- and storing different kinds of objects altogether is much more unique than separate bookcases, clothing racks and planters.
  • 19
    Never underestimate the power of furniture that folds away.
    This Boxetti item is like a supercharged Murphy bed: it hides bed and all sorts of storage in one unit. Boxetti has similar units for most rooms of the house, including one with all your living room furniture, one with an office and one that contains a kitchen.
  • 20
    Find a workspace that works for you.
    Joakim Bergström via Minna Magnusson
    Why shouldn't you be able to lay down on your desk? This comfort-focused workspace designed by Minna Magnusson is geared towards the unrooted laptop workers and could also work in different parts of the house.
  • 21
    Small shelves are an easy way to decorate.
    The simple Bridge shelves are elegant and easy to put together. Designed by Outofstock for Bolia, they can be used for books, tchotchkes or even bathroom toiletries.
  • 22
    Outdoor furniture can have multiple uses, too.
    Lane Venture
    These cushions might be intended for poolside, but they'd work on a balcony, roof or covering a makeshift bench. The Weathermaster Accessory Folding Poolside Chaisefrom Lane Venture is another flexible furnishing, easily moved around and usable as either a lounger or stool.
  • 23
    Make sure large furniture fits your space -- and your doorway.
    Unlike a huge sectional couch, the Raft Sofa from Outofstock fits into a small space. It's designed to be easily disassembled to squeeze it through narrow door frames and stairways.
  • 24
    Choose a storage system that's easy to reconfigure.
    The cutely-named Snug-it shelves from EcoSystems can be built tall or wide, used for display or storage and changed on a whim -- they're easy to put together and take apart.
What creative ideas have you come up with to make small-space living more bearable? Tell us your tips on Twitter or Facebook, and check out some examples of tiny homes that definitely need to save space: